
Friday, April 26, 2013

Machine Embroidery - Boy Scout Neckerchiefs

Hi Dear Friends, 
Whew, the neckerchief design for the boy scouts is done!  This is my second digitizing design I've completed and I'm thrilled at the results.  Remember what it started out looking like below?  It is a map of the hiking trek that the boys will be taking this summer at the Philmont National Scout Ranch.
More was added in the detail and we went to three colors.  I'm making the neckerchiefs as well.  I've used broadcloth to stitch them on.  The stabilizer is Floriani's fusible wash away.  It certainly makes for a smooth surface to stitch on.  For the final step I'm stitching on 1/4" bias tape.  That's what gives it the nice candy stripe effect as the neckerchief twists up at the ends.
Here is my son Timothy, our youngest.  He is such a character and was goofing off for the camera below.  He really has a great sense of humor and loves to tease his sisters, and his parents too!  I'm very proud of him and all he does in boy scouts.  He is a good young man.  Timothy is a Life scout and will become an Eagle scout this summer.  He and Mike have been involved in scouting since Tim was six years old.  He will turn 16 in July.  Golly I'm feeling old.  My babies are all growing up!
Now I'm working on making 20 of these neckerchiefs for everyone.  It's keeping me busy for a few days!
Anyone want to hike 71 miles up, down and around a couple mountains? :-)

Embroidery Blessings!!


  1. Hey nancy the neckerchiefs is made very nicely and you have done very good job i personally like the candy stripe at the end of neckercheif

  2. Great job on the neckercheifs Nancy! My son is also a scout, so I know how important they are.
    Congratulation to Tim for making Eagle. You must be so proud.
    My son is this close to Life and then on Eagle.
    I think I would rather embroider neckercheifs than hike Philmont! :)

  3. I am going crazy looking for that color neckerchief for a boy scout troop. Do you have any idea where you purchased them from? Or did you make it?

    1. Hi Patrice, I DID make it. It is broadcloth fabric that I bought at JoAnn's and I bought about 20 packages of bias tape to go around them all. The reason I made them is because the leaders wanted oversized neckerchiefs so they could be multi-functional. They could use them as a sling if necessary or as a towel etc.


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